Monday, June 27, 2016

Cloud based coding

For the last year or so I've been using Cloud9 as my primary development environment.

I cannot recommend this tool highly enough. The combination of Cloud9 with bitbucket for free, private git repository hosting and Heroku, for rock solid affordable application hosting, is unbeatable!

With these tools I now access any and all of my projects from any device, anywhere. On the rare occasion that I do make updates from a different environment, git's distributed model makes accessing these changes through Cloud9 trivial. Deploying changes to Heroku is instant via a simple git push statement.

I've looked at several similar alternatives such as Nitrous, Codio, CodeAnywhere, Koding and Codenvy. I find Cloud9  stands head-and-shoulders above these alternatives - you'll be hard-pressed to find a more productive environment

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